eyes.gif - 5592 Bytes

EYES ON THE PRIZE(Emmerich 2002) TET 3399 (Awesome Blossom x Seedling) 18”, EM, Sev, 5-6”, 2-way branching with 15 buds (with reports from northern California of consistent 3-4 way branching and 25-30 buds), rebloomer (but not in Minnesota). Clear pink to copper pink with a dark velvet burgundy-black eye and edge; white picotee. Slight reverse bi-tone. Gold throat with olive heart. A beautiful flower and a wonderful breeder of dramatic eyes - e-mail me for ideas. Fertile both ways. EYES ON THE PRIZE multiplies quickly, has nice foliage, does well in sun or rain, and doesn’t show thrip damage. Often doubles late in the season and will breed doubles. So what’s not to like? Although hardy and a good increaser in zone 4, its reliable budcount at Springwood is just 10, so am recommending it only to hybridizers and zones farther south.

EYES ON THE PRIZE is the basis for much of my eyed program. EYES ON THE PRIZE seedlings pictured on the website include 10500, 1101, 2801, 1402, 2502, 3702, 5102, 5402, 6102, 9002, 11502, 13002, 22302, 35102, 46402, 0603, 1803, 2603, 2903, 4703, 10103, 13903, 14303, A30, A134, A192, A202, A334, A399, A433, A454 and A519.
