Truth Teller

Truth Teller


TET 7912 {[sdlg x (sdlg x Inscribed on My Heart)] x Trials of Job} 6.5" (and sometimes 7"), 30" (36" in one location), 5-way branching with 25 buds (range of 4-6 way and 17-37 buds, but if the spring is terrible or in a poor location it can be 3-way with 10-15 buds), EM, Sev, fr, instant Re in MN on almost all fans, EMO. Dark pink; merlot eye and edge plus ivory wire; green throat. Looks great when planted next to Solemn Oath. Fertile both ways and a good parent and grandparent for bold eyes.

Click here to see some of its kids
Click here to see some of its grandkids

$75.00 D.F.
